I’m currently working a lot with React which is a nice change of scenery. Coming from Angular I’ve had to learn quite a frew things about the framework while I was able to re-use basic web development skills (HTML, (S)CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript) and transfer concepts like component-orientation.
Glancing at React hooks I also hoped to profit off of my experience with reactive programming - but that didn’t realy turn out to be the case and here’s why.
Using Angular made me learn RxJS and its underlying concept of observable.
The nice thing here is that RxJS and reactive programming in general is fundamentally decoupled from any framework - it’s a generic paradigm that you can apply in all sorts of domains where you’re dealing with asynchronous problems.
RxJS is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences. It provides one core type, the Observable, satellite types (Observer, Schedulers, Subjects) and operators inspired by Array#extras (map, filter, reduce, every, etc) to allow handling asynchronous events as collections. – RxJS Docs
In fact, RxJS is one implementation of the ReactiveX API which is also available for numerous other languages.
事实上,RxJS是ReactiveX API的一种实现,它也可以用于许多其他语言。
However, ideas from reactive programming aren’t limited to that project but can now be found in many places and practically any modern user-interface framework*.
- Vue.js has an observable implementation use for change detection and state management.
- Angular leverages RxJS observables from component communication, HTTP requests and providing event listeners on forms or the router.
- React, well, it has it in the name, ain’t it?
Actually, kind of yes and also kind of no for that last one. The name definitely relates to reactivity in the sense that React reacts to changes of a component’s state by scheduling an update of the corresponding view.
Apart from that, the framework is explicitly not concerned with reactive programming.
There is an internal joke in the team that React should have been called “Schedule” because React does not want to be fully “reactive”.
– React Docs
It might seem like that has changed with the introducation of function components and specifically hooks.
Let’s see how they compare to RxJS observables by looking at an example where we encapsulate an HTTP request made with the Fetch API.
让我们通过一个示例来看看它们与RxJS可观察对象的比较,我们封装了一个使用Fetch API发出的HTTP请求。
We’ll start with the RxJS version where we can create a custom observable with the Observable
constructor. It accepts a callback (or subscribe function) which will be executed upon subscription.
This callback receives a subscriber
to whom we can subsequently emit values via subscribe.next()
as well as signalize completion or failure of the underlying operation via subscriber.complete()
and subscriber.error()
A subscribe function can optionally return other callback (teardown logic) that’ll be invoked when the observable is unsubscribed. This allow us to implement cancellation.
1 | import {Observable} from "rxjs"; |
In our comcrete case, we’ll first use the Promise-based Fetch API to executed and parse the HTTP request before emitting the response to the subscriber and immediately completing the observable.
在我们具体的案例中,我们将首先使用基于Promise的Fetch API来执行和解析HTTP请求,然后将响应发送给订阅者并立即完成observable。
When the request should fail, the subscriber will also be notified. We’ll additionally have teardown logic levering an AbortController
to cancel the HTTP request.
Here’s how we could use our little RxJS HTTP client:
下面展示了我们如何使用我们的小型RxJS HTTP客户端:
1 | const subscription = getUsers().subscribe( |
Now, let’s sess how we’d implement a similar HTTP client within a customer React hook. First off, we’d probably rename the encapsulating function so that it contains the “use” prefix to comply with the rules of hooks.
Then we create a functional two state variables with useState
for holding a the response from our HTTP request and possibly an error. Our hook will always return the most recent states of both variables as tuple-both starting off with as undefined.
The next build-in hook that we’ll leverage is useEffect
which can be used similar to the Observable constructor: pass a callback where we tick off an HTTP request, pass the response and update the state - we can even return a teardown function.
The second parameter is an optional list of values that will be watched by React. When one of the values changes, the effect will be run again. Passing an empty list makes sure that our effect runs only once when a component which uses the hook is created. In turn, when you pass no list at all the effect will run every time the component is re-rendered.
1 | const useUsers = () => { |
And here’s how we’d use our custom hook inside a React component:
1 | const User = () => { |
Looks all very similar, doesn’t it? Coming from Angular you’d think the latter is just the React way of doing reactive programming - but it’s not. It’s the React way of scheduling view updates and we’re leveraging it to encapsulate asynchonous logic.
I wonder how many people realize that React Hooks is really just disconnected, less declarative reactive programming.
– Ben Lesh, RxJS Team Lead.
Ben has made some great points comparing React hooks and observables here.
Ben 在这里(推特)上提出了一些比较React Hooks和Observables的重要的点。
The point that I want to get across the most: hooks are React, reactivity is universal.
You can easily get this from the fact that getUsers()
from our example can be used with and without Angular while useUsers()
only make sense when used inside a React component. Eventually, the “reactivity” of React hooks is opaque and hard-wired to the framework.
只有在React组件中使用才有意义。最终,React Hooks的“响应式”是不透明而且硬链接到框架的。
It’s not evident from the type of a hooked variable that it may change (e.g. number
vs Observable<number>
). Hooks also don’t realy have an API surface. Instead they rely on the way you order you calls and how React schedules view updates.
Those are also the reason why you should do things like prefixing custom hooks with “use” - whether that rolls off the tongue or not.
Hooks are fascinating piece of work that highlights the power of functional programming, specifically closures. I’d recommend you read the well-written article Deep dive: How do React hooks really work? by swyx to seee this for yourself.
Hooks在工作中是一项引人入胜的功能,它突出了函数式编程的力量,特别是闭包。我建议你阅读一篇好文章:React hooks 是如何工作的,可以去推特swyx亲自查看。
The thing to keep in mind is that hooks are first and foremost focused on component rendering. They’re not primarily meant for composing asynchonous, possibly long-living event streams - also known as reactive programming.
Fortunately, RxJS and React hooks don’t exclude each other. We can make them get along via a custom hook that takes an observables, subscribes to it and forwards events into hooked state variables:
幸运的是,RxJS和React Hooks并不互相排斥。我们可以通过一个自定义钩子让它们结合起来,该钩子接受一个可观察对象,订阅它并将事件转发到钩子的状态变量中:
1 | import {Observable} from "rxjs"; |
Once we have this little reactive helper we can replace our custom useUsers()
hook with the existing RxJS-based HTTP client:
1 | import {getUsers, useObservable} from "./useObservable"; |
Essentially, such a hook is similar to Angular’s AsyncPipe or a similar structural directive. It’s a bridge for synchonizing reactive code with a framework’s change detection mechanism.
Again, in practice you could use a more battle-tested solution like one of the following:
- https://github.com/streamich/react-use
- https://github.com/LeetCode-OpenSource/rxjs-hooks
- https://github.com/crimx/observable-hooks
Now, don’t get me wrong, using hooks for asynchonous code is fine in many cases. After all, observables are probably not the most convenient abstraction for asynchonous operations that produce a single value like HTTP requests.
I won’t argue that you should outsource all logic via RxJS especiall if it’s not asynchonous. Rather, I want you to understand the trade-off that you’re making when coupling logic to the change detection mechanism of you chosen view framework.
More importantly, I want to show the strength of Observable as a universal abstraction which will allow you to write portable and framework-independent code for working with asynchonous event collections.